If you or someone you know is interested in helping with the many school activities at SJS, please make sure to apply for your diocesan security clearances now. If you already have your clearances, please check to make sure they are not expiring soon. All adult volunteers are required to obtain clearances every five years. You can find more information at https://www.hbgdiocese.org/safeyouth/background-certificates-and-youth-protection-requirements/#adult-volunteer-protection-requirements. When you have completed the requirements, please take your completed clearance information to the Saint Joseph Parish Office. Thank you!
2024-2025 Job Openings – Saint Joseph School is seeking applicants for the following positions:
Spanish Teacher (Part-time or Full-time);
Cafeteria Monitor;
Extended Day Program Caregiver;
Early Learning Program Caregiver.
Please send resumes to Mrs. Bamberger [email protected]