There certainly are many, many other online and in-print resources to help you on that road of personal transformation. May God bless all of us on this journey!
No, the title is not a typo – just a play on the word “Transformation.”
Our parish is blessed to have a subscription to “The Catholic Faith. On Demand.” There is so much to learn about the beauty of our Catholic Faith, and now it has never been easier to access information on our Faith: at home, on the go or from any internet connected device. We invite you to register, rediscover, or continue to access all that our rich Catholic tradition has to offer by taking advantage of this life-enhancing website. There are over 4,000 titles available. If you already have a FORMED account, there are easy steps to login. If you need to register, again, very easy steps to register by visiting If you request their email offerings, you will be able to click into the new content as soon as it is posted. Yes, God is calling all of us to deeper conversion and transformation. We are able to do this not only through our worship together, serving others, connecting with fellow parishioners and giving to the support of our parish mission, but also by growing in our faith as we learn more about it.
Another wonderful offering that we are resuming can be found in the Stewardship: A Mission of Faith book racks that are located in the wings of the church narthex. So much in print and on CD that can help you grow in your faith, especially for those who either do not have internet access, or, prefer the “old fashioned” way of picking up an actual book, or loading a CD into your player, and enjoying the offerings that are found there.