There is an insert in this bulletin, provided by the Office for Divine Worship of the Diocese of Harrisburg, that includes ways to observe this year dedicated to this special saint, our patron. We also have this posted on our website at
Our parish observance of 9 Days for Life begins on Thursday, January 21. Join us for special video presentations each day with prayers offered by members of our Respect Life Committee. To access these videos, go to We will end this Novena on Friday, January 29 (More information on those parish activities will be in next week’s bulletin).
Please join us on Friday, January 22 as we observe a Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. We will have Mass at 9 AM, and that evening we will have a special time of prayer beginning at 7 PM, which includes Eucharistic Adoration. The evening will end with Benediction and our weekly candlelight procession in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary at 8:30 PM.