Our parish was nominated for these categories: · Broadcasting Mass (Technical Excellence)
Parish demonstrated excellence in implementing livestream technology during Covid
· Broadcasting Mass (Participation & Engagement)
Livestreamed Masses achieved strong viewership and engagement rates
· Broadcasting Mass (Multi-Cultural & Multi-Lingual)
Livestreamed Masses served multiple cultural and language groups well
· Parish Outreach to Families
Parishioners felt supported and connected to the parish during the shutdown as a result of the efforts of the parish's communications and messages
· Pastor's Outreach to Parishioners
Parishioners felt supported and connected to the parish during the shutdown as a result of the pastor's outreach efforts
· Reopening of Mass
Procedures for resuming public Masses and other parish activities were well-organized and well-communicated
· Offertory Retention/Recovery
Parish executed effective initiatives to encourage generosity and to make it easier for parishioners to give in new ways to allow offertory levels to be maintained or to minimize decreases
· Service Ministry Continuation
Excellence in continuing pre-existing ministries in new ways during Covid
· New Service Ministries
Parish added ministries to serve those significantly impacted by the pandemic
· Adult Faith Formation via Technology
Parish executed strong faith formation programs for adults during Covid
· Small Groups via Technology
Parish held impactful virtual small groups during Covid
· Faith Formation for Youth via Technology
Parish executed strong sacramental preparation and faith formation programs for youth during Covid
· Community Prayer via Technology
Parish offered virtual gatherings for parishioners to pray together
· Website
Parishes implemented significant upgrades and/or new content to their website to improve parishioner experience during Covid
· Email
Parishes implemented significant improvement to their emails and/or increased email frequency to keep parishioners up-to-date during Covid
· Social Media
Parishes increased their social media presence to keep parishioners up-to-date during Covid
Among the winners and honorable mentions nationwide are Saint Patrick Cathedral, New York City, NY; Church if the Nativity in Timonium, MD; Saint Jude Cathedral, St. Petersburg, FL; Saint Matthew, Philadelphia, PA.
Saint Joseph Parish was honored a number of times among the 16 categories presented. We received honorable mentions in the following 7 categories (there was one award, and up to 3 honorable mentions for each category): · Reopening of Mass · Service Ministry Continuation · Offertory Retention / Recovery · Adult Faith Formation via Technology · Faith Formation for Youth via Technology · Community Prayer via Technology · Social Media Innovations/ Excellence During Covid
We received the Parish Excellence Award for Email Innovations / Excellence During Covid!
Such recognition is a blessing to ALL of us. None of the work of our parish community during these unprecedented times could be continued and enhanced without the loving support of our parish family, the continuing efforts to fulfill our mission to foster the presence of Christ and grow disciples for our Lord, and the rock-solid commitment of the staff (parish, religious education and school) that, together, make us the parish that we are. It is with sincere and humbling thanks that we give praise and glory to God for the gifts that He has given us. The Holy Spirit continues to transform our parish into the Mystical Body of Christ, as expressed in our Stewardship Prayer:
My parish is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. It will be holy, if I am. Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work, if I work. It will be prayerful, if I pray. It will make generous gifts to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring others into worship, if I invite and bring them in. It will be a place of loyalty and love, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion, charity and mercy, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same things. Therefore, with the help of God, I now dedicate myself to the task of being all the things that I want my parish to be. Amen.