Hello! My name is Lynn Toland and I have been a member of Saint Joseph Parish since 1993. I have been an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for 5 years. This ministry is open to anyone who is at least in their senior year of high school, known for service to their parish, living a good Catholic life, and known to the Pastor and people of the parish. Some Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion only serve at Mass, some only to the homebound and nursing homes and some do both. All receive training and are Mandated by the Diocese to serve at their parish.
So, what led me to this ministry? I am quite sure I was being called to this ministry at least 15 years ago. I know I was very doubtful of the call telling myself that I couldn’t do that but, at every Mass I still felt the call. It took several more years until I answered it. No one is worthy to serve at the Sacrifice of the Mass, but, I am certain of God’s love and mercy and with that confidence and God’s grace I am able to serve my Lord in this ministry.
Serving in this ministry has helped me grow to a deeper love and devotion for the Eucharist, Christ Himself. The moment the priest confects the bread and wine to become the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ I anticipate my reception of Him personally, spiritually and lovingly. It is with much gratitude I am called to assist with administering this sacred gift to the members of our church as we gather in communion at the Lord’s Supper. At the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 there must have been many disciples of Jesus participating in handing out all that bread and fish! That miracle nourished their human bodies; at Mass we receive nourishment for our souls. I, too, am happy to follow in their footsteps as Jesus’ disciple sharing Communion where, as Jesus told us, we are receiving the true bread to eat that will lead us to eternal life. If you feel you are being called to serve the Lord in this capacity, please call the parish office for more information. There is a local upcoming training for New EMHC and Renewals on August 10 at 7:00 PM. Contact the parish office to register: 717-766-9433.