Children's Liturgy of the Word is offered during the 9:45 AM Sunday Mass. It is open to all children in the first through fifth grades. The children will be invited by the Celebrant after the Opening Prayer to follow the Prayer Leader (a catechist) to the Lee Horan Room where they will hear the Sunday Readings and have a Homily in an easy to understand and age appropriate format. They will then return to the congregation at the Offertory. Children’s Liturgy of the Word will use the Sunday readings of the liturgical year and follow the same cycle as the Church. No pre-registration is necessary, and all eligible children are both welcome and encouraged to attend. If you are interested in assisting and have a desire to share the Catholic faith with the children of our parish, please contact Mark Rebuck at 717-766-2472 or by email at [email protected]. Adults who wish to participate in this program are required to undergo a background check and have their appropriate Youth Protection clearances.