“My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior.”
Luke 2:46-47
How fitting it is that we make our return to in-person Mass attendance as we celebrate this solemn feast of the Assumption the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. Our Blessed Mother’s words of praise and thanksgiving from her “Magnificat” echo in a special way within our hearts.
As we return, we are reminded that the health, safety and spiritual wellbeing of parishioners is utmost. The Bishops of Pennsylvania, in calling us back to the obligation to attend Mass, ask us to make safety concerns a priority. We continue to strive for that here at Saint Joseph’s.
As we make this return, our Bishops also remind us of some exceptions that allow a person to keep the Lord’s Day holy in other ways. This pertains to those who are:
• Sick
• Have a serious health risk
• In a household with those at risk
• Primary caregivers to those at risk
• Have serious anxiety or concerns about being in a large-group setting due to COVID-19
• Unable to attend Mass in person
As an act of charity, anyone who believes they might have COVID-19 or one of its variants or have been exposed should stay home. Instead, you should spend some time in prayer, meditating on the death and Resurrection of the Lord, reading the sacred Scriptures, and uniting yourself to Christ. There will continue to be numerous options to view broadcasts and livestreams of Mass.
While masks are not currently mandated, each parishioner is strongly encouraged to make a responsible decision about the use of masks and vaccinations.
Diocesan coronavirus mitigation efforts will continue to evolve, based on the most up-to-date public health information. We will continue to share the Bishop’s Office communications as changes become necessary.