LINKING OUR PARISH’S PRAYERS AND OUR PARISH FAMILY The Saint Joseph Columbiettes invite you to share prayers of intention and thanksgiving as we move towards recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Beginning on Friday, June 11, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, you will be able to submit your prayer by email to Suzanne Bruzga at [email protected]. Your prayer will be hand-written onto a strip of paper and linked to other paper prayer links that we have received from the Saint Joseph School Community and our recent parish survey. Pre-cut strips of paper will also be available at the Welcome Kiosk in the narthex to write your prayer. We ask that the intention or thanksgiving prayer be limited to 1 or 2 sentences. We will collect prayers for the prayer chain from June 11—June 21. Once all of the prayers have been collected, they will be linked to each other and displayed as a chain of prayer in our church the weekend of July 24/25. A copy of all intentions will be placed in the Altar of Repose. Scripture reminds us to take everything to our Father in prayer, no matter how large or small, in times of sadness and loss, and in times of joy with grateful hearts. Thank you in advance for sharing your prayers with our parish family. As we connect our links of prayer may God bless our parish with a restored sense of community, with our loving God as our guide.
Keep an eye out for a video with more information on our social media platforms!