Outdoor Masses to continue, but with some changes in 2022
Bishop Gainer has given permission for outdoor Masses to continue. In order for us to offer this opportunity, we need to make some changes to the schedule, as we are not able to sustain simultaneous Masses on the weekend.
Until the end of 2021, we will continue to offer the Saturday 4 PM and Sunday 9:45 AM Masses at the Gazebo. Once it gets very cold outside, we will move these Masses, as we did last year, to the parking area in front of the main entrance to the parish offices. Especially if there is snow, it is easier for worshippers to gather at that area. We will arrange for the audio transmission to an FM station, so that you may attend from your car in the parking lot. We will make this move whenever the weather demands it.
Beginning the first weekend of 2022 (January 1), we will offer one outdoor Mass per weekend on Saturdays at 5:30 PM.
This is necessary for those weekends when just one priest is available. As it will be dark at that time of the day, these will be “candlelight” Masses. All are encouraged to bring a candle, either battery-powered or wax.
Also beginning the first weekend of 2022, we would like to offer one simulcast Mass (to the outdoor area next to the Church) per weekend on Sundays at 9:45 AM.
In order for us to continue to offer these options, we need your help in the following areas:
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion
Volunteers at outdoor Mass for pre-Mass set-up and dismantling after Mass
Volunteers at simulcast Mass for before Mass set-up, technical trouble shooting,and dismantling after Mass. (training will be provided)
Please contact Brenda at [email protected] or call the parish office to sign up.
We thank you for accompanying and supporting us through all the adaptations that took place during the pandemic. We are hopeful we will continue to progress towards our pre-pandemic routines. As always, we will keep you updated on all changes.
Your prayers, and your continued support of our mission, are very much appreciated by all who are blessed to be part of Saint Joseph Parish.