Before I was blessed to be Ordained a Priest, I worked in Washington, DC, and often had the chance to work in the Capitol building. Regardless of whether I agreed or disagreed with the political leadership of that place, I always got chills walking around that building. Today, rioters broke windows and barricades and tried to destroy the building and the institutions that the Capitol represents. I had a mix of anger and sadness at the events, like many of you. Thankfully, they were not able to destroy -- or even sidetrack -- our Republic. Our country is hurting, but it is still strong.
It's important to remember at this time, though, that we have a foundation as Catholics that is even stronger than one we are blessed to have as Americans. We have our faith in Jesus Christ. And while our faith can be tested, our Savior is always reliable. He loves us constantly, and His love is so powerful that it holds us in existence. So, when we feel shaken by events in our country, we can only turn to Him to regain a sense of support, of a regained footing.
Today, as I watched these events, I got so wrapped up in anger and sadness that I forgot where my true foundation lay. When I finally turned to Him, I felt peace -- peace that could only come from Jesus Christ and His Church. I thought of the prayer right before Holy Communion, when the priest says, "Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your Apostles: Peace I leave you, my peace I give you, look not on our sins, but on the faith of your Church, and graciously grant her peace and unity, in accordance with your will, Who live and reign for ever and ever."
The peace that we need can not come from us - true peace comes only from Jesus Christ. As Catholics and Americans it is our duty to work for the dignity of every human life and for justice. But no leader or party or legislation could ever guarantee this peace, and so our worship and loyalty cannot be owed to them. It can only be owed to Our Savior, who alone can guarantee peace, and bring unity. May God bless you, our St. Joseph parish family, and our great country.